"I personally feel that evolution should be taught in schools, because, you know, I think, kids should have the possibility to hear both sides. Because kids clearly have the ability to decide by themselves what's right and what's wrong. You know, just like me, when I was younger and decided to say "yes" to my dad's friend Cletus, when he wanted to touch me down there. And everybody was fine about that, because I decided, it's ok. So it should be with evolution, kids should just decide by themselves, whether it's right or wrong.
Because there are so many opinions and theories on so many different subjects and religions, that all ask the same questions, such as: "How did the universe evolve?" and "What was before life was created by the Big Bang?" and "What do those people do, who just don't have maps?" But everybody has a different opinion, like scientists, who personally like to come to schools and teach us their opinions, about what they think is true. You know, because science is part of the western culture... I personally was never taught in school, but when I was homeschooled in creatinitism by my mama, she always taught me, not to trust scientist too much, cause you know, science means atheism and that means communism, like in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as. And in those places people don't even have maps!
Maybe we should just leave it up to the government., cause you know, so many cultures have their different believes and scientists have their different theories, so I personally feel, that it would be great to at least introduce them, because any learning posibility is good. Except for sexual education... oh my God! You know, it's just against the biblical values, like: Duh..! don't the kids know, that sexual intercourse is a sin and you have to abort and kill a baby after that. I mean the only exception is like uncle Cletus, and your agent if he really really promisses you a photoshooting for the Vogue.
I absollutely think, that we should explore all philosophies, and so will I. For example I have an appointment for an alternative movie shootung tomorrow, I think, it has some nude scenes in it, but I think: "Hey, as long, as it's tastefull, why not...!" I feel, that it's gonna be so much fun tomorrow, and I hope to meet a lot of new wonderfull people there. I haven't been to that place yet, but it's somewhere in San Fernando Valley in California. Fortunately, I have a map ;-)"
Sorry for the coherence, I just wanted to be a little bit like a miss for a day.
And: yes, I'm a cynical, snappish person today. But that's just because I'm in pain right now (my brain hurts after watching the video).
Aus der europäischen Sicht ist es schon hammerhart, die darwinistische Evolution und den Kreationismus als Meinungen, die nebeneinander stehen und zwischen denen man sich entscheiden kann, zu bewerten.
AntwortenLöschen"I never was taught evolution at school." - Herrjemine.
Ja, genau das meine ich. Was mich fertig macht, ist, dass die Leute meinen, man könnte wählen, ob man an wissenschaftliche Tatsachen glaubt oder nicht (und ich glaube heute mal an die Schwerkraft). Und alles nur wegen einer uralten Wüsten-Mythologie. *Haare ausrupf*
AntwortenLöschenNachtrag: Miss Vermont, Miss Connecticut und Miss Washington sind die Einzigen, die ich nicht spontan mit einem Bilologie-Lehrbuch verhauen will. Die Bilanz ist dennoch erschreckend.